Case Studies

The use of computer animation in marketing and advertising is potent as a communications tool. Many companies are discovering that it is much more effective and powerful than the boring PowerPoint slides and mundane TV adverts that use only live actors. While it shares some characteristics of other visual mediums, it has unique attributes that no other marketing medium can equal.

Let’s take a look at how your company can tap into the capabilities of this great marketing tool by studying some true case studies of how some other companies have been doing it.


Case Study: APMI Kaplan

APMI Kaplan - a quality educational facility - wanted to showcase their brand new campus. However, in most cases, reality is imperfect and live shoots usually amplifies that imperfection. A 3D animation walkthrough helped to create the experience of studying in Kaplan’s beautiful environment, sans the imperfections. The educational sector being a very competitive one, this extra presentation effort immediately helps to establish Kaplan as the right place to study.


Case Study: Shark Energy Drink

Field Catering wanted to bring across how their Shark Energy drink can restore energy to the most exhausted individual. Mediafreaks came up with a concept that showed how Shark can power up an entire city. Sure it is an exaggeration, but all TV adverts build on hype, and 3D animation does that the best! The conventional live TV adverts can never achieve this kind of effect. The Shark Energy Drink TV advert was shown during the New Year period to good response.




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Case Study: Wyeth Robitussin

This set of 2 x 20 seconds TV adverts were designed to create impact advertising through exaggerating the effects a bad cough can induce on people. The different scenarios enacted here dramatize the effects of the 2 different kinds of coughs that the Robitussin cough solutions are formulated for. Through the cycling of the 2 different TV commercials, it generated curiosity and interest from the audience who realized that these were 2 different TV commercials featuring different cough solutions for varying cough conditions. Being in bursts of 20 seconds and coupled with the fact that the scenario in each TVC is rather dramatic, animation was the perfect and cheaper medium to execute these adverts.


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