Types of Animation

There are many different types of animation, all useful in different instances. However, for implementing animation in Java, animation can be broken down into two basic types: frame-based animation and cast-based animation.

Frame-Based Animation

Frame-based animation is the simpler of the animation techniques. It involves simulating movement by displaying a sequence of static frames. A movie is a perfect example of frame-based animation; each frame of the film is a frame of animation. When the frames are shown in rapid succession, they create the illusion of movement. In frame-based animation, there is no concept of an object distinguishable from the background; everything is reproduced on each frame. This is an important point, because it distinguishes frame-based animation from cast-based animation.

The number of images used in the Count applets in the last chapter would make a good frame-based animation. By treating each image as an animation frame and displaying them all over time, you can create counting animations. As a matter of fact, you do this exact thing a little later in this chapter.

Frame-Based Animation

Cast-basedanimation, which also is called sprite animation, is a very popular form of animation and has seen a lot of usage in games. Cast-based animation involves objects that move independently of the background. At this point, you may be a little confused by the use of the word "object" when referring to parts of an image. In this case, an object is something that logically can be thought of as a separate entity from the background of an image. For example, in the animation of a forest, the trees might be part of the background, but a deer would be a separate object moving independently of the background.

Each object in a cast-based animation is referred to as a sprite, and can have a changing position. Almost every video game uses sprites to some degree. For example, every object in the classic Asteroids game is a sprite moving independently of the other objects. Sprites generally are assigned a position and a velocity, which determine how they move.

Going back to the example involving the number images, if you want to create an animation with numbers floating around on the screen, you would be better off using cast-based animation. Remember, frame-based animation is useful for counting (changing the number itself). However, cast-based animation is better when the number has to be able to change position; the number in this case is acting as a sprite.


Because bitmapped images are rectangular by nature, a problem arises when sprite images aren't rectangular in shape-which is usually the case. The problem is that the areas of the rectangular image surrounding the sprite hide the background when the sprite is displayed. The solution is transparency, which enables you to specify that a particular color in the sprite is not to be displayed. This color is known as the transparent color.
Lucky for you, transparency is already supported in Java by way of the GIF 89a image format. In the GIF 89a image format, you specify a color of the GIF image that serves as the transparent color. When the image is drawn, pixels matching the transparent color are skipped over and left undrawn, leaving the background pixels unchanged.


The depth of sprites on the screen is referred to as Z-order. It is called Z-order because it works like another dimension, a z axis. You can think of sprites moving around on the screen in the x,y axis. Similarly, the z axis can be thought of as another axis projected out of the screen that determines how the sprites overlap each other; it determines their depth within the screen. Even though you're now thinking in terms of three axes, Z-order can't really be considered 3D, because it only specifies how objects hide each other.

Collision Detection

There is one final topic to cover regarding sprite animation: collision detection. Collision detection is simply the method of determining whether sprites have collided with each other. Although collision detection doesn't directly play a role in creating the illusion of movement, it is nevertheless tightly linked to sprite animation.
Collision detection defines how sprites physically interact with each other. In an Asteroids game, for example, if the ship sprite collides with an asteroid sprite, the ship is destroyed. Similarly, a molecular animation might show atoms bouncing off each other; the atom sprites bounce in response to a collision detection. Because a lot of animations have many sprites moving around, collision detection can get very tricky.
There are many approaches to handling collision detection. The simplest approach is to compare the bounding rectangles of each sprite with the bounding rectangles of all the other sprites. This method is very efficient, but if you have objects that are nonrectangular, there will be a certain degree of error when the objects brush by each other. This is because the corners might overlap and indicate a collision when really only the transparent areas are intersecting. The more irregular the shape of the sprites, the more error there usually is.



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